Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Larsten Lind for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year!  #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
Region CC Results… Boys Isaac – 8th Declan – 10th Austin – 16th Jack – 20th Josiah – 29th Sam 36th Team – 2nd Place #CubNation Go Cubs! State - Broadland Creek National Golf Course, Huron – October 22nd
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Region CC Results… Girls Kinsey – 2nd Allison – 4th Kylah – 5th Aine – 7th Annabelle – 11th Silvana – 15th Team – 1st Place #CubNation Go Cubs! State - Broadland Creek National Golf Course, Huron – October 22nd
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Blood Drive... October 25th https://www.signupgenius.com/go/chamberlainhsoct25 #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Blood Drive
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
October 10th - Native American Day (No School) We hope you have an enjoyable Monday off, but let’s not forget why. South Dakota is an amazing state! One of the things that makes us special is the nine tribes that share our geography and the Native American culture that is part of who we are as South Dakotans. In 1990, South Dakota was the FIRST state to recognize the second Monday of October as Native Americans’ Day.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Native American  Day
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Blaine Krenke for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year! #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Alexa Petersen for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year!  #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Keeleigh Elwood  for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year! #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Norsean Hawk for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year! #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
Native American Day - No School
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Tami Brown
Native American Day
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Laila and Erin Saxton for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year! #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing LaToya Stead for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year! #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
The Chamberlain Cubs Volleyball Team is hosting a Dig Pink volleyball game Tuesday (10-4-2022) against Kimball/ White Lake. JR High starts at 4:30 with C (5:15), JV (6:30), and Varsity (7:45) to follow http://cubsnation.live/ #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Dig Pink
2022 Class A State Boys Golf Championship starts at 9am. Follow along: https://sdhsaa-2022classastateboysgolfchampionsh.golfgenius.com/pages/8865657802060748608 #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
The Golf Team will be competing at the state golf in Aberdeen on October 3-4. Maxwell, Dakota, Sandler, London, Chase, and Coach Eidsness https://www.sdpb.org/hsactivities/sports/golf/boysa/ #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Devon Thomas for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year!  #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Rowdy George for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year!  #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Basil Eagle Star for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year!  #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine
Our CHS/CMS students shine for so many reasons. Join us in recognizing Sheldon Mayer for being a #CubWhoShines during the 2022-23 school year! Keep up the awesome work and have a wonderful year!  #CubNation Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Cubs Who Shine